After School Programs
Afterschool Opportunities for Kids (A-OK!) provides after school programming on every school day until 6:00 p.m. on the Harding University Partnership School campus and serves students in grades 1-6.
A-OK! provides academic support and enrichment activities designed to support the Common Core State Standards. The program goals are for students to:
1) maintain high attendance, make progress on language arts/mathematics skills;
2) show positive behavior changes, maintain their homework;
3) build new skills, personal and social competence, and responsibility; and
4) cultivate a culture of physical fitness, good nutrition, and healthy lifestyle behaviors.
A-OK receives funding from the California Department of Education/After School Division through a statewide grant program. The grant requires students to be enrolled for five days/week and remain until 5:45 P.M. There is a $30/month contribution for the program.
To find out more information or to enroll, please see the Cristina Perez/Site Coordinator or call 963-4338 ex. 1453.
A-OK! Vision
Children are enthusiastic learners.
Families have the tools to support and encourage learning.
Communities embrace learning opportunities for all.